This study was carried out to examine the acceptance of family planning among the adolescent using some selected secondary schools in Ethiope East Local Government, Delta State as case study. Specifically, the study was aimed at ascertaining if education creates family planning service; if family planning help in appropriate of contraceptive for adolescent that are sexually active; and if family planning improve socio-economic status of the people. The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total of 150 responses were validated from the survey. From the responses obtained and analysed, the findings revealed that Education creates family planning service. Also, family planning help in appropriate of contraceptive for adolescent that are sexually active. Furthermore, family planning improve socio-economic status of the people. The study recommend Adolescents in schools should be properly taught on family planning under sex education to help them know its benefits and to avoid unwanted pregnancy, STDs etc. this will help them to have the knowledge of how to take care of themselves.